September 29, 2013


I'm leaving for KL on Friday and I'm thrilled that I'm celebrating my birthday there but the thing is... I've not even packed yet. Oh well, I'll just throw in whatever clothes I want to wear the day before.

September 5, 2013


This is bad. Really bad. Here I am still up at 3 am watching 90210 while munching on apples with PB. Ever since the season ended for my other favs series, I've been totally addicted to 90210 and How I met your mother and it's really ruining my bedtime schedule. Recently, my routine has been staying up really late at night to watch tv series or movies and waking up in the afternoon to do my chores and when it's time for everyone else to sleep, my affair with Liam will begin all over again.

Liam Liam Liam. He is to die for but seriously, he's gotta stop falling in love too quickly. He's always having feelings for someone. But so far, the best guy to fall in love with in 90210 is Navid. He's a good guy who prioritizes his love, family and friends. He'll do anything to protect them even if he has to sacrifice himself.

Alright then. Enough chit chat. Hope I have the inspiration to continue to blog again as this is a total random post. Haha:)
